
Weed Killer

Greg and I are lawn snobs. We love our grass. We mow it twice a week. We have an EdgeHog. We walk around at night looking to pluck any interloper attempting to root into our living carpet of lushness. We have always been this way. We just haven't always been this smart.

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Unfinished Business

This is a picture of an owl embroidery kit my mom bought and worked on in 1972. I stole it from her basement in 2008. I confessed about stealing it a few weeks ago while I wished her a Happy Mother's Day over the phone.

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Venom & Virtue

Nearly five years ago to the day I was strewn across the leather couch in my quiet, empty house with my head facing Mount Timpanogos out the window. Daydreaming turned into looking back and I was soon sifting through my past for any unresolved nuggets of bad behavior. Was there something I had done that I could have/should have fixed and hadn’t? At that moment I had what C.S. Lewis calls “a red hot jab of memory” and three long-forgotten and specific errors came to mind. Instantly, like acid, the shameful memories began to burn me to my core. I knew I had to repent of what I had done, even if the deeds were over a decade old.

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The tree that never had to fight

For sun and sky and air and light,

But stood out in the open plain

And always got its share of rain,

Never became a forest king

But lived and died a scrubby thing.

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Mind Over Matter


A wise old owl from my high school, JG, wrote me something back in the day that included the phrase


You can't be all things to all people.



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