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I am a superstar circus performer. I walk the tightrope of life. I wow the ticket-holding crowds with my ability to get from Point A to Point B under difficult vertical circumstances. Life on the tightrope can be hard with the required poise and precarious balancing. Plus there's the added fear of falling. Independent tightrope walkers don't like falling.

My boss, the Head of the Circus, has informed me that if I'm going to succeed as a tightrope walker I have to better myself with every step AND enjoy the scenery the tightrope has to offer. I don't look down much because the "scenery" appears to be a very small elephant sitting on a ball far below me and a net I've never needed to use. I will stay focused on Point B ahead of me, thank you very much, and the elephant can enjoy the scenery.

I am a superstar circus performer that lost my baby and my balance on May 22. Big Upset under the Big Top. I fell for the first time. I cringed in anticipation of what impact on the net was going to feel like. I was afraid it would hurt and tear my porcelain skin. I feared the jeering crowd.

It turns out that the net is remarkably soft and woven from hugs, prayers, facebook messages, real mailed letters, cake balls, cookies, French pastries, bouquets of flowers, Edible Arrangements, dark chocolate, heartfelt emails, encouragement, concern, blackberry jam, homemade cards, Hallmark cards, padded envelopes, sympathy, empathy, scriptures, doorbell rings, texts, voicemails and love unfeigned. In fact, I can't believe how big the net is, and it is only used by me. The net is restful and pleasant and I didn't realize I was so weary from balancing my load on the tightrope. I would like to bounce on the net a little while longer until I'm strong enough to attack forward progress on the rope again. I'm humbled by the niceness of my net and how far people have reached to contribute to my net. Humbled to tears, frankly. The net is one of the great miracles of my life and I will never forget this.

I have realized that the Head of the Circus knew I was going to fall. He watched me fall from close range and made sure my net was ready. I told the Head of the Circus that I was mistaken about the scenery, and that I get it now. The NET is the scenery.

I am a superstar circus performer that will definitely get to Point B because I have a good net. My net saved and lulled and loved me. I am not afraid of falling anymore.


*Image of card from my original Crazy 8's card game I played as a kid. Before I was in kindergarten I would set the whole game up on the floor of the entryway and wait for my sister Suzette to walk in from school. She would drop her backpack and play with me immediately. We played a LOT of Crazy 8's as kids. This set is awesome since every card has to do with the circus, and what tightrope walker doesn't love a good circus?