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June 27, 1997, 10:30 a.m.

Greg and I were married in the freshly-dedicated Saint Louis Missouri Temple. Our pictures were taken at high noon; the twig trees had only been planted for weeks and offered zero shade. We still managed to get one good picture despite the lighting and landscaping. We drove away as clueless twentysomethings in a leased green Civic packed to the hilt with balloons, hopes, and dreams.

June 27, 2014, 6:27 p.m.

Archer West was born in American Fork, Utah, with his dad and teenaged sister looking on. I let out a few uncontrollable sobs of relief when I saw his scrunchy, healthy body lifted before my eyes. Years of weight literally flew off my shoulders; the promise had been fulfilled. Two boys and two girls, big and little bodies, old and new flesh, our perfect familial balance. Greg and I enjoyed hospital dinners on plastic trays for our 17th anniversary. I still think about the mini bundt cake I ordered. I'm going to order one the second Baby No. 3 is out and cleaned up. Seriously, I love hospital food.

June 27, 2002, 5:00 p.m.

My 5th wedding anniversary, which included my brother's morning wedding in the Salt Lake Temple and a backyard pinata. (We wanted to have the same anniversary since we also share a birthday.) President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the new Nauvoo Illinois Temple at 5 o’clock because

around 5 o’clock on June 27, 1844

the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred by mobs in nearby Carthage, Illinois.

Last year our family went to Nauvoo for spring break. Greg, RE, and I attended the temple while my parents tended nine month old Archer in the hotel across the street. Anticipating our exit and not wanting us to walk home in the rain my parents drove over to pick us up. I snatched my blonde boy out of his seat and plopped him on the front steps of the temple for a quick pic. His Suzy’s Zoo duck down hair was blowing in the wet wind but I wanted him to have a physical connection to his important birth date. These very steps were dedicated on the same date you were born, which is the same date the earth lost the first prophet of the last dispensation. On that date you were born to two parents who love you immensely. We were married on that date in a temple like this. Millions shall know Brother Joseph again but oh, my sweet boy, I just want you to know him. He is the critical foundation of everything I believe but you must come to know it all for yourself.

A pic of RE holding Archer on the steps and a family selfie with sunstone backdrop followed. We jumped in the van and bid farewell to the City of Joseph.

The family selfie is on our fridge. RE repeatedly moves the magnet to cover her face; she thinks her nose looks weird. I don’t care what she thinks, I’m her mother and I think she’s gorgeous. The photo stays. I’m not taking it down because encapsulates superior priorities: my spouse, my children, and my temple covenants.

Everything that matters most,

Everything that can last the longest, and

Everything that is best in a world of goods and betters

Can be mine forever

because Joseph restored temple keys that allowed me to make eternal covenants. Everything I believe about this life and the next is tied to those covenants. Joseph’s guileless, inquiring mind parted the heavens. God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and gospel truths were restored one by one to a world aching for fulness. One such truth was marriages and families are meant to be eternal; they do not have to end. The prophecy that Joseph’s name would be known for good and evil is fulfilled; there are many who mock and make light of sacred things, however, I stand behind Joseph. I believe he was foreordained by God, I believe he translated the Book of Mormon by the power of God, and I believe he was human yet did his best notwithstanding an excruciatingly difficult life mission.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a member I do not worship Joseph Smith but I do revere him. I worship the true and living God, my own Heavenly Father. I pray to him in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by the power of the Holy Ghost. The endgame of my mortal actions is to return to live with God, from whence I came, and to be tied to those I love and those who have loved me. Because of Joseph's courage and obedience in restoring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth I have arms wrapped around relationships that can last forever, a clear final destination, and an inspired book full of directions to get me there.

This is why, on June 27, I say PRAISE TO THE MAN.



Photo of Archer’s newborn feet, Greg’s (second) wedding ring (which he later lost in the Denver airport), and my original wedding ring. Clearly rings do not last forever. But families can.

Photo credit: Maren Ingles

Photo quote: Elder M. Russell Ballard, from this talk.

The best site to research Joseph Smith's life.