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The Irony of Greg’s New Year’s Resolution:

Every January 1 Greg creates an Excel file with his SMARTER goals and 2017 was no exception. He set a goal in 2017 to “passionately kiss his wife daily”. We must be getting old because there are lots of days we forget/are too tired to kiss like we did at BYU. Sigh.

Fast forward to Valentine’s Day. Greg flew home from a Vegas business trip with the worst head cold. I also had a head cold for the first time in years. We were turning the bed down, he glanced at his spreadsheet on the nightstand, and gave me the quizzical eyebrow. Two head shakes. We popped some Advil Cold & Sinus side by side and restlessly smothered body pillows all snore-filled night.


Two Funny Things Greg Has Said Lately:

  1. “Tired is the new refreshed.” He was mimicking all the orange is the new pink and 40 is the new 30 and sitting is the new smoking types of phrases one hears these days. He was also dead on since we seldom feel rested anymore, although Everett finally decided to sleep like a rock star and things are looking up if I could just tuck myself in before 1 in the morning. Both boys were crying before church, which I call “crying in surround sound”. Greg happily announced, “Music to my ears.” Despite our tiredness we’re not too tired to have forgotten our miracles.
  2. “This book was designed in RGB but printed in CMYK,” he whispered in my ear during church. He was right. All the things that should have been blue were purplish. A million years ago, when we printed our very first Oreck catalog at the presses, we made the same mistake and our blue vacuum came out purple. It’s a mistake you only make once but notice forever after.