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It's a scary world out there.

 But whether or not he can get out of bed,

 or how many people are following him,

or where he leads us,

we will always have a living prophet guiding the way.



Typically I associate the number 17 with the day both of my credit card payments are due. Bleck. I also think 17 is not a visually pleasing number; it's off balance and sharp. However, Russell M. Nelson was announced today as the 17th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our modern-day prophet. I watched the press conference while I ate breakfast. I felt the spirit witness that he is the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth (even though I wasn't expecting or needing such assurance). His last line about serving "until his last remaining breath" really got me. I stand corrected. I love 17, and I will forever associate it with a Mandarin-speaking, heart-fixing diplomat who skis at 93, smiles when he speaks, and speaks lovingly to us for the Lord. He is the lantern bearer.

Photos from Bears in the Night by Stan and Jan Berenstain, all the way from 1971. (71 is a backwards 17...just sayin')