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Cone Corner

I've been compiling a book of advice from women in my area for the graduating seniors. I may print a book for myself because the advice is so good! Participants simply filled in the blanks on phrases like:

I hope you get ____.

I hope you become ____.

I hope you remember ____.

One of my favorite submissions:

I hope you get to become a giver, not just a taker.

Amen! Although I can't remember when I became a giver. If I had to pin the tail on that donkey, I'd aim for my late twenties. RE was born when I was 24. I got a real Italian leather purse and started eating avocados and tomatoes at 30. Giving came somewhere between those important years.

This was my other favorite bit, written by my uber positive friend Lorraine, who told me she typically forgets to stress about things because they always work out. Opposites attract...

Anyway. Lorraine's bit:

You will have a great life. You will have sad moments, and you will have a lot of happy moments. Enjoy both! When you need to cry, cry it out, and get an ice cream cone and sit on a corner to eat it. Then when you stand up and finish your ice cream, let it be done and leave that problem on the corner.

Isn't that the greatest? Reminds me of the time I finally got my hands on a dark chocolate Berthillon cone...and then dropped it in the street on my way out of the shop. I had it backwards. Leave your problems on the corner, not the ice cream.

Covid life is bipolar; I need a lot of ice cream and a lot of corners. Thank goodness for the endless uplifters in my rolodex who smooth life's corners when it's time to sit on one.


Heavenly felted, metallic, and round-cornered ice cream card given to me by Liesa, who is hip and happy and always gives me cards I want to frame. This one has been on my board for a year.